Sunday, August 29, 2010
Weekly updates
This past week has been interesting.
I found out that New York isn't all it's made out to be. It's really rather ordinary other than it being some sort of shrine to consumerism. 5th Avenue has buildings touting luxury brands all over the place, and Times Square with all the flashing lights looks like some sort of Las Vegas wannabe. There really is a Starbucks on almost every street.
However, the place lacks feeling. Even with Central Park (which is HUGE) and The Strand (cheap books!).
It's probably just me. *shrug*
After coming back from New York, Friday was spent running more errands and Saturday was spent bringing the wife to Le Cordon Bleu Boston.
While the wife spent 3+ hours decorating, I retired to a nearby Dunkin Doughnuts to read my book. The Man in the Mirror I think it's called. No, it's not about Michael Jackson.
I've always felt it rather strange how God chooses to speak to us and I think He had a message for us this weekend. On Saturday, He convinced me, through the book, to examine my life more closely. On Sunday, He spoke to Lynn to convince her that we should spend more time on the word. As I listened to her after service, I couldn't help but feel that He is preparing us for something. I've no doubt we should listen closely lest we be caught unprepared when the time comes....
In other news, we're still tying up loose ends. Probably gonna get a Skype account to facilitate calling Singapore from the comfort of home. The coming week will be filled with orientation activities. Pray for us.
Blessed Sunday!
beautiful scenery along the way

Minced meat congee for lunch
Park Street Church

Bro & sis...
Saturday, August 28, 2010
What made me happiest was that the hubs showed his support for the Kuali/wok by agreeing to the purchase of it and it looks (almost) and feels just like the one what I used at home! (Be warned. Constant use of it could lead to probable wrist injury =p). It's difficult to stir-fry in non-stick skillet; something is just amiss. Of course, the wok saw its opening with a dish from me and I must say the sound made when the metallic spatula interacted with the wok made one think of home. Hmm....and with stir-frying, you have to clean up the whole kitchen once you are done with the cooking. It's a good workout if you want to eat and at the same time, stay trim. Join the wok club!
Friday, August 27, 2010
The kitchen
Nearer to the period when we were to set off to this ang mo country, she would ask me to watch when she was cooking, scrubbing the toilet bowls, washing and bleaching clothes and of course, cleaning the whole kitchen. And today, I have my own little kitchen and many of her words stay with me.
I am thankful to have a mother who can work in the kitchen and that would definitely include cooking. The kitchen that we have back home is still very new because of how she cleans it (too bad for the many items that clutter). Before we left, she set aside a few set of cloth for us, saying, "You wil need them to clean up!" I had to force myself then to put them into the luggage but you know what? They were the first few things I used when we got hold of our house key. CLEAN UP time! Mom is always so picky about spick and span kitchen that the first few things she did when she went over to my sis' place or my bro's place in SH was to pick up the cloth and clean them! Oh should be before that she examined the area. My sis could vouch for it.
So, dear sis, please translate the above to her when you next see her. Tell her also that:
1) I try to save whenever I can now and recycle any materials, just like what she has always done.
2) I make it a point to buy fresh produce and only those that I want to cook for the day.
3) I can cook gourmet not 'chapalan' food. I can do it because she has done so throughout our growing-up years and in some ways, she has motivated me to cook as well.
4) I may not care a lot at home but now having a home of my own, I am very particular about cleanliness in my home.
5) I washed the toilet bowl this morning, with my bare hands but I will follow her way soon (forgot to buy scrub).
6) Tell her this kitchen is my territory! =p
7) I appreciate her giving me of the cloth cos they were really great help.
8) Oh! Show her the food that I have cooked/baked from my food blog. She would be surprised how far I have gone! =)
Show her the pics too.
Dinner for today: Teriyaki Chicken Rice with Egg & Onion.
3 days in NYC a concrete jungle. High rise buildings everywhere, esp downtown.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Proverbs 3:5-6

Sunday, August 22, 2010
his & hers
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Came home after more purchases and was excited to make Begedil. I remember one recipe which I have read from a magazine and was pleased to be able to find it online. Made them and I was satisfied with the products! Actually I think cooking is more fun than baking since the former would require one to taste and see if it is ok and definitely allows for more creativity whereas baking does not allow for a lot of room for changes in terms of measurement. The latter is more of science than arts. So, yes, I would be cooking more now since I am in charge of health and nutrition in the household. =)
Almost there.
The rather stocked-up kitchen
Can you see some familiar bottles? Yes, I can!
Friday, August 20, 2010
Thursday went amazingly well. Sometimes I really think God puts us in difficult situations just so we know who's really in charge. For all my calm as we approached Boston, when we actually reached BC on Wednesday, I was flustered about the room, the bed. Everything really.
On Thursday morning, we both woke up, unable to sleep, and spent the early morning the same way we spent the previous night. Worrying about what to do about the bed. We finally gave up and spent some time in prayer before heading out to do our chores for the day.
And I guess that's when He stepped in.
We intended to quickly finish some of my administrative duties and then set out bed-hunting.
However, for whatever reason, we somehow got distracted from our bed and ended up buying kitchenware!
And just when we arrived back home and I was thinking about another night on the couch, we saw another twin bed! So not only did we not have to spend anything on a new bed and worry about how to move it to our place, we now have two twin beds! Much larger overall as compared to the Full bed or even a Queen bed that we might have bought.
So Friday was spent tying up even more loose ends before we headed out once again. Today, we contributed to the American economy via a HongKongSupermarket, and then again at BedBath&Beyond. More home cooked food coming up, and we now have sheets to go with our bed!
So the past few days have been hectic, but fruitful.
We settled:
- Immunization forms for Health Services
- Registration as International Student
- Bank of America Bank Account
- Kitchenware
- Registration of Fall Courses
- Cell Phones for both of us!
- Groceries!
- Bedding!
Pray for:
- All that chest x-ray stuff I need to go through because my PPD test result was boderline.
- Wife's dependent insurance. Costs a bomb. Hoping to find cheaper alternatives...
- Good relationships with tutors, colleagues, apartment mates, new churchmates, etc.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Initial start-up
After settling most of the stuff (phew!), we decided to do some shopping at Coolidge Corner as recommended by Meghan, the rep at the International Students Office. We wanted to go there primarily to look for beds as she hinted that we could find good bargain there. However, one store captured my eyes and we basically stocked up on kitchen stuff. Now, at least we have kettle, pans (I've got pink ones!) and bowls and in no time at all, the kitchen would clearly be stocked up and I could cook! I am getting sick of those food out there (for the record, we only had one meal today).
And you know what? When we opened the door to our apartment, we were overjoyed! An extra bed was placed next to the previous one! They have given us another bed! We could save a lot from it! Ken later revealed that it could be the email that he wrote to them. Whatever it was, we were thankful. Thankful that we did not go ahead and purchase online in the morning. Thankful that we were distracted to buy kitchenware. Thankful to the Lord mostly for his provision. =)
Our abode for the next 1.5 years.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Backdated Beginning... by... the Beng
Take heart however. Since wife is in on this with me, we can all expect it to last substantially longer...
It's been only slightly more than a day since we've touched down at Boston and a little more than 48 hours since we left Changi Airport, so there really isn't all that much to report on.
I guess all I can give you is my perspective on what the wife has already shared. Have no doubt however that it will be unique, witty, entertaining, and most of all... extremely quotable. It will, in a pinch, also cure cancer. Possibly.
So my take on what has happened over the past 48 hours is this.
I agree with my wife. Completely. Unreservedly. Wholeheartedly.
She isn't even threatening me in any way while I'm typing this. Seriously.
(She probably will once she reads this though... =p)
In summary.
We arrived safely in Boston despite a rather frightful start to the flight process at Changi.
We caught ALL our connecting flights despite the first flight leaving more than an hour behind schedule, and later having to stand in line for more than an hour to clear customs in Chicago. (For every connecting flight, the gate closed within a few minutes of us getting on board the plane...)
All our luggage arrived with little incident (some spilled shampoo) despite having 3 out of the 4 bags that we checked in separated from us on the final flight. Yes, it did take longer than they initially promised, but they thankfully got it to us before we checked out of the hotel.
We managed to get a late check-out, and thus had the opportunity for ample rest between our two trips lugging our bags from the hotel down to our new place.
We met friendly people along the way who helped to point us in the right directions.
We got a room facing the back, which meant less breeze because of the other houses behind, but also quite a bit less noise since it isn't facing the road.
Through all the challenges, wife has helped me see the positive side of things.
So right now, we've been told that we're not getting an extra bed, so we have a couple of options:
1) Starve ourselves so we can better fit the two of us into a single twin bed. (Why is it called a twin when there's only one of it?!)
2) Learn to sleep sideways. Which would leave our legs hanging over the side, but at least there'll be ample space for the both of us. And about 4-5 other visiting friends when you all come to see us.
3) Buy a new bed.
I'm sure something good will come out of this. =D
Setting up...
The adventures begin!
It became rather strange when we were stuck to our seats for a good 45 min and that all the overhead bins were open. The passenger in front of me started asking his neighbour, "What happened?" "No idea, perhaps some security issues?"
The pilot then eventually informed us," Ladies and gentlemen, I guess it's time to inform you what has happened. We have received news that the authorities have custody of a passenger who has tested positive for explosives. For securities' sake, we have to search the plane thoroughly. Shortly, we will have the sniffer dog on board. I must tell you, in all my flying experience, this is the first time I have encountered this. In this time and age, anything can happen and we want to be assured that everything will be all right. We ask for your patience as we conduct the checks."
Exciting, isn't it? I was scared stiff because in all my flying experience as a passenger, I, too have never encountered such an issue. You could sense the apprehension on the passengers' faces as the dog (don't know what breed) came on board.
Finally, we were off, 1.5 hours late and many of our passengers were affected as they could not make it in time for the connecting flights. Incidentally, I saw some colleagues too, all bound for their postgraduate studies =).
It was a painful >20 hours' flight. I believe the reason why I have not attempted to fly to this part of the world is because of the arduous long wait and being stuck to that small seat for so long. It's not enjoyable at all! Plus, well, we do not have nice pretty stewardesses and good food =p. Food on the plane is already quite awful but this airline makes it worse. Arghh..I was shaking my head as I contemplated how they could serve such plastic-looking food and we are going to a country which gives birth to a number of great chefs?
So, in the end, we reached Boston, being informed that 3 pieces of our luggage did not make it on the same plane. Arghh.. thankfully they were able to track it and assured us that they would be on the next flight and be sent to our hotel soon.
Not that bad. Throughout this initial part of the journey, I learnt to pray. Things do not and will not go as smooth as we want it to be but we need to know and have the peace that God is in control as the hubs kept reminding me right when we had the scare on board.
So we checked into Hilton hotel @ Logan Airport, had a good swim and collapsed into bed.
The adventures have begun!