
Friday, August 20, 2010


Well... not really. More like Thank God For Every Day!!! (TGFED!!!)

Thursday went amazingly well. Sometimes I really think God puts us in difficult situations just so we know who's really in charge. For all my calm as we approached Boston, when we actually reached BC on Wednesday, I was flustered about the room, the bed. Everything really.

On Thursday morning, we both woke up, unable to sleep, and spent the early morning the same way we spent the previous night. Worrying about what to do about the bed. We finally gave up and spent some time in prayer before heading out to do our chores for the day.

And I guess that's when He stepped in.

We intended to quickly finish some of my administrative duties and then set out bed-hunting.
However, for whatever reason, we somehow got distracted from our bed and ended up buying kitchenware!
And just when we arrived back home and I was thinking about another night on the couch, we saw another twin bed! So not only did we not have to spend anything on a new bed and worry about how to move it to our place, we now have two twin beds! Much larger overall as compared to the Full bed or even a Queen bed that we might have bought.

So Friday was spent tying up even more loose ends before we headed out once again. Today, we contributed to the American economy via a HongKongSupermarket, and then again at BedBath&Beyond. More home cooked food coming up, and we now have sheets to go with our bed!

So the past few days have been hectic, but fruitful.
We settled:
- Immunization forms for Health Services
- Registration as International Student
- Bank of America Bank Account
- Kitchenware
- Registration of Fall Courses
- Cell Phones for both of us!
- Groceries!
- Bedding!

Pray for:
- All that chest x-ray stuff I need to go through because my PPD test result was boderline.
- Wife's dependent insurance. Costs a bomb. Hoping to find cheaper alternatives...
- Good relationships with tutors, colleagues, apartment mates, new churchmates, etc.

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