By the time we completed our morning jog and proceeded to Boston Public Library, I was already on the way to la-la-land. Coffee was my solution and the hubs quickly guided me to 225 Newbury Street. What's that? It was Sweet, the cupcake store! I woke up all of a sudden upon seeing the store and came out of it satisfied with 4 minature cupcakes in our stomach and a mug of coffee each on hand. Bliss!
Came home after more purchases and was excited to make Begedil. I remember one recipe which I have read from a magazine and was pleased to be able to find it online. Made them and I was satisfied with the products! Actually I think cooking is more fun than baking since the former would require one to taste and see if it is ok and definitely allows for more creativity whereas baking does not allow for a lot of room for changes in terms of measurement. The latter is more of science than arts. So, yes, I would be cooking more now since I am in charge of health and nutrition in the household. =)
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