
Monday, September 6, 2010

Orientation, Internet, Football and Shopping!

So, quick weekly update.
The past week has been filled with orientation programmes.

Tuesday night was grad international student welcome. 
Wednesday was international student orientation. 
Thursday was grad student orientation.

I have no idea what happened on Friday. I think my mind chose to voluntarily forget everything as a symbol of mourning for our loss wireless connection.  That’s right, on Friday evening, our wireless internet died. No idea why.

We thought we might have to wait for Tuesday (after holiday) before we could find someone to figure it out, but rejoiced Saturday evening when it came back on.  And then decided to die again on us again on Sunday evening.  Every other day.  Maybe the college went for some half-price wireless programme and didn’t read the fine print...

Saturday was brilliant. We went for the Boston College first football game of the season.  First ever American football game for both of us. I always wanted to watch gridiron, so it was fun. =)

The match itself was fun, though it isn’t as exciting as I thought it would be. All credit to the players, but the start-stop nature of the game REALLY slowed it down a ton.  15mins on the game-clock takes about 45mins real time. Including the half time 20min break (which was the only time during which game clock time was even remotely similar to real-world time...), the whole game (which in game-time is about an hour...) would end up taking about three and a half hours.  That’s how Americans spend their weekends; getting sunburns watching American footy.

Cricket is worse of course but that’s another story.  Next, I should find out how long baseball, hockey and basketball games last before going for them.

This coming Tuesday will be Lynch School of Education orientation.
This Monday, incidentally, is a public holiday. Labour day is supposed to mark the official end of summer.  So long summer, it was swell while it lasted.

So because the wireless decided to take another shot at the afterlife, I’m drafting this while offline, aware of the promise of weekly updates that I just made last week.

Hopefully, once this is done, I’ll knock out a chapter summary of one of the books I’m reading for one of my modules.  Book is called “The Principalship: A Reflective Practice Perspective” by Thomas J Sergiovanni. 
I’m on the last chapter now. This would be impressive if I didn’t tell you that it’s also the first chapter I’m reading since that’s what the author advised.  It would be even less impressive if I told you which page of the last chapter I’m on, so let’s skip that.

Monday late afternoon as I type this, the wireless has come alive once more.

We spent the day trying to get to Watertown to do some shopping.
Started off badly as we waited almost an hour for the bus. We were rather discouraged, but pressed on.
And I think we're both glad we did. Wife managed to get her long awaited Dutch Oven at a pretty good price, and I enjoyed bargain basement shopping and hunting for deals. Nice pair of shoes for $20!

Back to school tomorrow. Oh well. =/

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